Because Your Child Needs Music

Do you believe that every child deserves a music education? 

Then you’re in the right place. 

You’ve read so much research touting the wonderful things music does for kids. Academically. Emotionally, Even socially.


Your local elementary school doesn’t have a music teacher.

Your homeschool curriculum doesn’t include music.

You can’t afford private lessons.

You never took music classes yourself.

It seems like no one wants kids to actually get that music education they talk about so much. At least not the kids who don’t go to that one school that DOES have a music teacher. But you believe every child should have access to that, including yours!


Because I believe that too. Let me show you how to teach your kids music at home.

Because your child needs music

Why Music?

Why is music education important? Is it really worth the time?

Those are fair questions when there are so many activities vying for your family’s time. 

Many parents and educators involved with music will be happy to tell you the changes they’ve seen in children after beginning music classes. The benefits of music education have been the subject of many formal studies and research as well. They include important skills such as:

Anita Collins has an excellent TEDx talk on the importance of music education. It’s well worth taking a listen to.

Hearing all of this, why wouldn’t we want every child to have a music education? You know your child needs music, but maybe you’re not sure if you can teach your kids when you’ve never taken music classes yourself. And how could you fit music into your family’s already busy day?