This is a set of 8 Christmas music coloring sheet designs your kids will love! Students will be asked to color the images according to the rhythms in the style of a color-by-number.
8 Christmas color by rhythm designs:
- Candy canes
- Elf
- Gift & decorations
- Mrs. Claus
- Reindeer
- Santa Claus
- Christmas tree
- Wreath
Each design is included in 2 levels:
- eighth notes, quarter note, half note, dotted half note, whole note, and quarter rest (quavers, crotchet, minim, dotted minim, and semibreve notes, crotchet rest)
- eighth notes, sixteenth notes, dotted quarter note, half rest, whole rest, and eighth rest (quavers, semiquavers, and dotted crotchet notes, minim, semibreve, and quaver rests)
Every page is included in both North American and UK terminology