The words are sized 2/page and feature a 4 neutral boho colored backgrounds. Each word is included in every background to let you color code by grade or concept if you wish.
The words are not pre-sorted by grade level, since the terms taught in each grade level vary based on your location and curriculum.
Topics include (the full list of words included is in the preview images)
- Grades (Kindergarten through 7th Grade)
- Dynamics (forte, piano, crescendo, diminuendo, etc)
- Tempo (largo, adagio, moderato, presto, etc.)
- Form (AB, binary, rondo, refrain, etc.)
- Voice (a cappella, soprano, alto, speaking voice, etc.)
- Ensemble (solo, duet, trio, etc)
- Solfege (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti)
- Style/Genre (pop, ragtime, rap, classical, ballad, bebop, etc.)
- Simple Words (up, down, short, long, step, skip, repeating, etc.)
- Occupations (accompanist, songwriter, composer, vocalist, DJ, etc.)
- Movement (bend, bounce, clap, gallop, sway, wiggle, etc.)
- Words for music symbols (sharp, flat, bass clef, double bar line, etc.)
- Rhythm (quarter note, half note, eighth rest, etc.)
- UK/International rhythm (crotchet, minim, quaver rest, etc.)
- Kodaly syllables (ta, ti-ti, ta-ah, etc.)
- And more!
Please note: This resource is a non-editable PDF. You will receive a zip file with a PDF file for each color/background option. No physical product will be shipped.
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