These music posters are a full page in size and feature a variety of neutral boho colored backgrounds.
Each poster is included in 4 different backgrounds to let you sort colors according to grade or concept if you wish.
Topics include (a full list of posters is included in the preview images)
- Dynamics
- Articulation
- Clefs
- Time Signatures
- Accidentals
- More symbols & parts of music
- Rhythms with regular notation (quarter note, etc.)
- Alternate rhythm names with regular notation (crotchet, etc.)
- Kodaly syllables (ta, etc.)
- Stick rhythms
- Kodaly syllables with stick notation
Please note: these posters are not editable. You will receive a zip file with 4 PDFs (1 for each of the color designs – 90 posters in each). If you have any questions, or need assistance after purchasing, please email me at ka*******@dy******************.com.